It’s a Granna thing…….


Granna and grandson #4!

What does it mean to be a grandmother?

If you look it up in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary it reads:


noun \ˈgran(d)-ˌmə-thər\

: the mother of your father or mother

But is that all it means? I think NOT!

For me being a Granna (that is what I go by!) is so much more then being the mother of the mother.

We were at the hospital when our first grandson was born. We could see the door to the room but not hear anything. We were outside another doorway and not permitted any closer. At one point they had a bit of an emergency. All we could see were more hospital personnel pouring into the room. No word to the family waiting anxiously outside the hall if all was okay or not. It took them 20-30 minutes to tell us baby had arrived and both were doing good. My tears turned joyful at that point!

Seeing him for the first time was pure JOY! I was a GRANNA!

Fast-forward a few years and we are at the hospital again for grandson #2. I was actually in the room this time. When our daughter started having breathing problems the head nurse yelled “get the mother out of here!”. I was ushered down a hallway a lot farther from this grandson then the last. I waited even longer this time and I was alone. Grandpa was at home with our first grandson. So, here I was in a hospital waiting room in the middle of the night all alone, worried that my daughter and grandson might not make it. It was probably an hour before I saw our son-in-law and found out all was well. More tears!

Holding grandson #2 was as AMAZING as the first time! I was getting good at this GRANNA thing!

Grandson #3 was born in his parents bedroom in the wee hours of the morning (on purpose – home-birth). We got the call late into the night that if we wanted to be there for the birth we better get over there. We did! It was the most peaceful experience I had ever been a part of. At least as births go. It was the first time our daughter had peace giving birth. Praise music was playing softly when we arrived. The big brothers were still sleeping. The midwife was calm and very competent. It was just a great experience. She had pain which is to be expected when you are pushing another human out of your body. But over all it was peaceful. He arrived in a pool of water. We didn’t know what he was until birth. To say I was disappointed it was another boy would be the truth for a split second. Then I laid eyes on my sweet #3 and my heart was his. And it pretty much has been ever since. He and I have a bond that I didn’t have with the other brothers. Not the same anyway.

Holding grandson #3 was pure BLISS! Bring on the boys! This GRANNA can handle it!

Two years later we are in the bedroom again waiting on grandbaby #4. Not sure what this one is either. High hopes for a girl! The whole atmosphere was peaceful again. Big brothers are sleeping. #3 is walking around wondering what is going on. He kisses mommy in between contractions. Such a sweet baby, that one! Praise music is blasting throughout the house. Our daughter is in the pool when we arrive. She hasn’t started pushing, yet. She is hurting. To be expected. She is hurting a lot. I’m not gonna lie, this momma was crying watching her baby in so much pain. It was a very emotional time. I did a lot of praying as I watched her get closer to pushing. Through it all her amazing husband was right there with her. Soothing her. Caressing her. Loving her. It was wonderful to be a part of it again. Then baby #4 arrived and HE was perfect. There is nothing like seeing your grandbaby immediately after birth.

Swaddling grandson #4 for the first time MELTED my heart. I ❤ being a GRANNA!

So with the definition of being a grandmother in my mind, I say, HOGWASH! That is not a definition.

My definition is this:

Grandmother: someone who possesses a warm heart, open arms; more love than she can express; more joy then she can contain; grateful to be called grandmother; worrier; crier; prayer warrior; baby holder; lover of her family

It is not easy being the grandmother some times. We want to tell our children how to raise those little people they give birth to. After all we already did and they turned out pretty good…right??!??! But it is not our place. We had our chance. Now they get to make the same mistakes……I mean try to raise God following, fun-loving, crazy, happy babies!

We all have to live and learn.

The circle of life.

Our 5th GRANDSON is due in about 2 weeks. I know without a doubt I am equipped to love another boy as much as I love the first 4! God is so good to me. I am truly blessed! And I have another daughter that hasn’t even started having babies, yet! Bring ’em on!

So you go be a good grandmother and make some cookies for those sweet babies. Just don’t tell their momma!

Live on,


Pedal, pedal, pedal

I wrote the following post a few years ago when our oldest grandson, who will be 7 in July, was just learning to ride a bike at age 3.
I was reminded of this while observing him ride his bike with no training wheels a few days ago.
He was having trouble mastering not having training wheels and told his mom he was putting the training wheels back on his bike.
She told him no, that he would learn to ride, it just took practice.
So she went out with him and helped him along.
Needless to say, with practice, he mastered riding!
He rides like a champ!
Needs to master stopping, still, but rides like the wind!
All he had to do was Pedal, Pedal, Pedal.
Pedal, pedal, pedal:
How many times have you heard the term “keep your head down and plow”? If you haven’t, sorry, you have missed out on some words of wisdom. If you have, hopefully you know what it meant. Keep your head down and plow is a clear, albeit a farmer’s way, of telling you to do your work till the end. Don’t worry about what is going on around you. It may not be your business so don’t make it your business. Keep your eyes on your goal. Get your job done. I think you get the idea.

Well, thanks to my then (last summer) almost 3 year old grandson, Camden, I have a new one for you. He was learning to ride his bike with training wheels, yes he could barely reach the pedals, but that didn’t stop him. He was with his grandpa, Johnny, at our house outside practicing riding his bike. Johnny heard him saying: pedal, pedal, pedal. Grandpa observed his determination in coaching himself on how to ride his bike. Pedal, pedal, pedal.


There is a lesson in this story for all of us. What are you pedaling for?

What do you need to remind yourself how to do? Pedal, pedal, pedal.

What are some challenges that you are facing? Pedal, pedal, pedal.

Are you putting one foot in front of the other? Pedal, pedal, pedal.

Take baby steps if you have to. Pedal, pedal, pedal.

Always know the goal you strive to reach. Pedal, pedal, pedal.

Dream it. Pedal, pedal, pedal.

Just go get it! Pedal, pedal, pedal.

Out of the mouth of babes we can learn a lot about life.
Those little babies can teach us so much.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 They are a wise, courageous, innocent bunch, even Jesus knew this!

So what it is you need to pedal towards today?
Let my grandson’s words of wisdom guide you on this day.

Pedal, Pedal, Pedal!

God bless,